Jed of Story


For Movies & Games

Welcome visitors, vagabonds, curious colleagues, and wanderers of the web!

My name is Jed, a world-class storyteller with 25+ years experience in story departments across the industry (Sony, Pixar, Illumination, Disney, Dreamworks) collaborating with my teams in a range of key creative and leadership roles, helping steer the creation and evolution of globally beloved characters and worlds (Kung-Fu Panda, Wreck-It Ralph, Big Hero 6, Minions, Super Mario Bros Movie, & more TBA) into billion dollar franchises for audiences to enjoy!


My story foundation began in the mid 90’s with college mentoring from founders of Pixar and its story department which prepped me for a fast track career, building a strong storytelling foundation to serve me as I evolved into screenwriting, directing, and creative development. My successes in story have allowed me to continue to invest in and evolve that skillset, bringing each project and team a fresh wave of insights and perspectives.


There were no story roles in games when I started in Y2K as a Pixel Artist in college, so alongside gaining that experience in film I also designed, developed, and published games independently. Combined with my foundation in story, perspectives as a lifelong gamer, and life experiences around the globe, I successfully offer a rare and robust narrative nexus in pioneering awesome new stories and experiences.

In short, I like making cool things with cool people where I can help teams create something special while growing as storytellers themselves. No project lasts forever, so I’m always open to hearing about writing, directing, narrative design, and creative development roles that fit my range of experiences either for now, or down the road.

Enjoy the site, and if you have something I’d be a good fit for, let’s talk!

– Roles –

Creative Development, Writer, Director, Head of Story, Story Lead, Story Artist, Story Director, Story Supervisor, Voice Over, Character Dev (Persona, Motor, Voice, Dialogue), Story Development (Arcs, World, Plot, Genre), Animator, Executive Consultant, Game Designer, Narrative Designer, Game Programmer, Pixel Artist, Publisher, Editor, Teacher, Mentor, Talent Development, Manager, Dungeon Master (2e-5e).

– Studio Projects –


On deck

In development or yet to be released.

Writer, Director

Head of Story

Story Lead

Story Dev / Story Artist

Writer / Director

Game Designer, Publisher

Story Artist

Story Artist

Story Artist

Story Artist, Narrative Design

Game Designer, Publisher

Story Development, Writer

Story Artist

Development, Story Artist, Writer, Fight and Action Choreography, Look Dev Anim (2D Intro), Voice Over, Franchise Developmet, Game Design

Story Artist

Story Artist


Main projects I was hired for and contributed most significantly to.

Writer, Director,
Narrative Design

Story Artist

Editor, Author, Illustrator

Story Artist

Additional Contributions

In between main projects it’s common to help out on other shows in early dev, creating scenes for a story crunch, screening notes, or whatever else they need! We’re each on our own shows but the story department is almost always one big studio team helping each other through the rough spots.

– Works –

Hundreds if not thousands of people work on these large projects. My role in that collaboration has traditionally been early on, helping to ensure we have a solid story foundation, and then the clear direction to tell it with, worthy of everyone’s time and talent.

Along the way we each have our standout moments to shine. Since you’re here to see some of my own, here are two galleries with samples from past adventures, or just keep scrolling for a quick snapshot.


*PW Required

Game Writing

Story Development & Game adaptation

Creative Development & Film Directing

Game Design, Development, & Publishing

Narrative Design & Direction

Graphic Novel Author, Illustrator, Editor

Screenwriting & Storyboarding

– Story Classroom –

Coming… eventually!

Throughout the last 20 years of my career, I’ve been hired to teach story and short film classes to professionals in the industry, as college classes, lectures requested by my studio, and sometimes just as personal mentoring. People keep pushing me to offer a class in story and while I would love to do that, I just haven’t had the time because I’m too busy actually doing the work!

Eventually though, and hopefully sooner than later I will finally start offering those classes. If you’d like to sign up for a notifcation for when I finally do offer one, you can sign up here:

In the meantime, please be patient and I’ll share other people’s books and lectures I’ve found to be really great!

– Thanks! –

If you made it this far…wow! How did you get through all of that?! Nevertheless, thanks for taking the time to check out my work! You can learn more about me personally below, or if you’ve had quite enough by this point, so long and good luck with whatever you’re working on. Either way I’ll leave you with these timeless words of wisdom that have served as a guiding light in all times cherished and challenging:

“Be excellent to each other”

• Bill S. Preston-Esquire, & Ted Theodore Logan

“It’s dangerous to go alone!”

• The Old Man


• Catbus